The Absolute IT Asset Disposal Blog

5 Reasons Why To Recycle Your Redundant IT Hardware



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Why Recycle?

  • Legal compliance: landfill or incineration of waste computers is banned as they contain known hazardous materials - the WEEE & Hazardous Waste regulations apply - plus a whole mountain of other regulations that Absolute IT monitors on behalf of customers.
  • Environmental benefits: reuse saves energy and materials used in the manufacture of computers - up to 75% of materials according to a UN University study.*
  • Reclaim materials: use of recyclate saves using costly scarce resources.
  • Commercial benefits: recycled parts and materials can be sold to lower recycling costs to Absolute IT and our customers.
  • Data protection: release of confidential data can incur fines of up to half a million pounds plus cost far more to remedy any such breach.


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