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5 Best Practices To Avoid Malware Attacks


The threat of malicious attacks is one that every business with a computer system has to guard itself against. Malware attacks use software to collect information without authorisation. Besides stealing data, malicious software can damage a system severely. Data leakage is also a significant threat when recycling equipment. This is why entrusting a reputable company like Absolute IT Asset Disposals is important. Although it is possible to clean up a computer after an attack, a company must strive to instill protective measures. Employees should be aware of a few best practices that minimise the risk of picking up malware. 

Updated Browsers 

Outdated browsers have various vulnerabilities that cyber criminals exploit to access private data. Workers must ensure that they use the latest browser versions to prevent exposing the program to hackers. When software makers release updates, they include new security patches that provide enhanced protection. It helps to set a browser to download automatic updates because this guarantees security. 


Safe Browsing 


IT teams should train employees on safe browsing practices. Some people may not be aware of it, but poor browsing hygiene is a big threat to data security. Malicious websites are some of the easiest ways to pick up viruses, ransomware and worms. Employees should learn to stick to relevant sites. The IT team can set up restrictions on the websites that people can visit. Downloading files onto the office system can also compromise its integrity. Safe browsing also means logging out of systems after completing the day's tasks. 


Layered Security 


Setting up passwords and updating applications is not sufficient. Enterprises have to insist on strict security measures to keep malware attacks at bay. Businesses must invest in security software, including anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-ransomware. Employees should know how to layer the different security measures in a way that offers the best protection. Cyber criminals use sophisticated methods to launch malware attacks, and a company's system must be able to send them off. 


Watch Out for Social Engineering 


Emails and social media are common avenues that cyber criminals use to carry malware. Employees should know not to open emails and Facebook messages from suspicious or unverified accounts. Phishing scams are particularly common. Users open emails and click on links that turn out to be carrying harmful software. Malware can also be in advertisements on social media pages. It helps for workers to learn how to identify legitimate email addresses. They should take caution when reading emails to ensure that the language matches the sender. Broken lines, poorly constructed sentences and suspicious link requests are a few elements to watch out for. 


Avoid A Costly Data Breach


Malware attacks can cost a company a lot of money in data loss and damaged systems. Implementing safety protocols for workers will reduce the exposure to risks. At Absolute IT Asset Disposals, we value your peace of mind and provide the right data cleansing solutions to ensure it. Please call 01332 371989 to find out more.

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