With so many tasks before you, achieving a consistent level of data security is a constant challenge. Before you know it, data and other information that should have been destroyed long ago begins to pile up. With identity theft and fraud being two of the UK’s fastest-growing crimes, this is especially dangerous for your organisation. However, your confidential waste doesn’t have to linger when...
SSD, HDD And Your Company’s Security
Your department may oversee hundreds of employees, wiping hard drives in large volumes on a regular basis. But is that enough? Not according to some surprising statistics.
Are You Making These Asset Disposal Errors?
Even though companies large and small continue their use of electronic document management solutions to improve the efficiency of their operations and optimise the handling of increasingly large amounts of data, the significant risk of a data breach remains. But how is this possible when IT managers have such advanced technology that’s been designed to prevent a breach?
Thought About IT Recycling?
Computers are built from countless different parts that all can have salvageable materials on them that can actually be safely recycled without damaging the environment.
The Darker Side Of Printer Cartridges
Fun fact, almost 942 million ink and toner cartridges are sold each year. That’s printer ink and toner equivalent to the amount of blood in 2,260,000 people! This substantial amount of printer cartridges don’t magically disappear after use.
Computer Recycling Benefits All!
Computers are built from countless different parts that all can have salvageable materials on them that can actually be safely recycled without damaging the environment.
Computer Recycling For Environmental Issues
The IT production sector has a huge carbon footprint, which can be lessened as a result of the re-use and re-deployment of redundant IT under the European Waste hierarchy legislation.
Data Destruction Is An Important Part Of Retiring Your Old Systems
Data Sanitization and Physical Hard Drive Destruction
Hardware upgrades and replacements become necessary for nearly all businesses at some point of time. Whether your IT equipment has been used to its limit, or you have decided to move on to the latest version of the IT hardware available in the market, you will decide to pack up and sell your old equipment somewhere down the line.
Data Erasure Vs Physical Data Destruction
When it comes to retiring data-bearing devices, security must be at the forefront. Allowing unused equipment to sit in storage poses a serious threat to your organisation's security and reputation. Take control of your companies security and eradicate all your data-bearing devices through data erasure. However, an important question arises. What method of data erasure is the best process for your...