Time to get rid of that drawer full of old computer cables and parts that you don't even know what they are anymore? If you're like me, you tend to think "i may need this one day and won't have to buy a new whatever it is. 99% of the time, the parts lay around until years pass and its obsolete technology the next time you gaze upon your treasure hoard of useless computer or electronic parts, can...
How To Ensure Data Security When Using IT Recycling Services
If the time has come to replace your IT equipment, you may wonder what to do with it once it's no longer usable. Of course, you want to make sure that no data or time is lost, and you also need to ensure that your data is disposed of as safely as possible, so as not to place any of it at risk.
How To Ensure Data Sanitisation When Recycling IT Equipment
The continued accuracy of Moore’s Law ensures that as new computers and IT equipment is continually getting faster and more powerful this means that every year, millions of computers become obsolete in offices around the country. Add to this old smart phones and tablets and you get a global ‘e-waste’ estimate of more than 40 million tonnes per year. What happens to this electronic garbage? About...
Ticketmaster – Customer Feedback
Today we completed a clearance from Ticketmaster in Manchester, we received great feedback that we would like to share with you all.